CCGS Enugu

With hearts full of excitement and appreciation to our Great God we welcome you to our website. We give all honour, glory, power, splendour and adoration to our Lord God for everything especially this next level of evangelism.

This is a window to showcase our activities to the global village and we do hope that our visitors will be blessed, inspired and encouraged to love and trust the Lord as they share in the new thing God is doing among us.

Our Vision & The Strategy

1. To raise a truly Christian community that is deeply rooted in the word of God, filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. To build a Church where brotherly love and encouragement to one another is practiced in biblical terms.

3. To reach out with the gospel, thus achieve the goals of the great commission.

4. To promote teamsmanship among workers, galvanize the groups and fellowships in the Cathedral into more effectiveness.

These will be achieved by personal and group involvement of all through:

Regular Revival programs

Putting more life into our Wednesday Faith Clinic and other prayer meetings

Planned Biblical Preaching and Teaching

Weekly Bible Study

Planned Biblical Preaching and Teaching

Well planned and attractive Sunday worship services

Visitations and Welfare

Church planting